Sunday, November 16, 2014

Shortwave Listening Global Station List

(This is the best list I have ever come across. It is maintained and updated on a regular basis and complied in very friendly formats (English Speaking Stations Only Listed) sorted by UTC time or sorted by country)

In times of large country wide disasters getting the real news is paramount to understanding what is actually going on around you. A government or terrorist act could shut down the internet, cell phones and local TV and Broadcast news. Your only link to the outside world is going to be a Shortwave Radio. This can be a low cost simple everyday portable house radio that has 'digital' shortwave band tuning/reception or a Shortwave HF Transceiver that also allows not only listening but the ability to speak to others on a chosen frequency.

Small samples of the actual listings look like below:

Sorted by Country (Looks like this):
Country, Station ID, UTC Broadcast Times and Station Frequency. (Place a decimal point before the last 3 digits for the band and frequency number)

U. S. A.        WWCR4             0000-0300 NA, Tu-Sa  7520
U. S. A.        WWCR4             0300-0400 NA, Tu-Sa  5890
U. S. A.        WWCR4             2100-2200 NA, M-F    9980
U. S. A.        WWRB              0000-0200 NA         3215, 5050
U. S. A.        WWRB              0200-0500 NA         3195, 5050
U. S. A.        WWRB              2200-2400 NA         3215
United Kingdom  BBC               0000-0100 As         5970om, 6195si, 9410th,
                                                       9740si, 11750si, 11955si
United Kingdom  BBC               0000-0100 As         12095si, 13725th,
                                                       15335si, 15755th
United Kingdom  BBC               0100-0200 As         9740si, 11750si, 11955si,
                                                       13725th, 15310th,
                                                       15335si, 15755th
United Kingdom  BBC               0200-0300 As         12095om, 15310th
United Kingdom  BBC               0300-0400 ME         6195om, 9410om
United Kingdom  BBC               0400-0500 Af         9460za, 12095ae
United Kingdom  BBC               0400-0500 ME         9410om, 12035om
United Kingdom  BBC               0500-0600 Af         3255za, 5875as, 6005as,

Sorted by UTC Time (Looks like this):
UTC Broadcast Times, Country, Station ID and Station Frequency. (Place a decimal point before the last 3 digits for the band and frequency number)
0100-0200 NA         Romania         R. Romania Int'l  6145, 7325
0100-0200 As,ME,Eu   Tajikistan      V. of Tajik       7245
0100-0200 Am, Sa-M   U. S. A.        WBCQ              5110
0100-0200 Am, Tu-Su  U. S. A.        WBCQ              7490
0100-0200 Am, Sa     U. S. A.        WBCQ              9330
0100-0200 NA         U. S. A.        WHRI              7385
0100-0200 LA, Su-M   U. S. A.        WHRI              7315
0100-0200 NA, Tu-Sa  U. S. A.        WHRI              5920
0100-0200 LA         U. S. A.        WRMI              5950
0100-0300 As, Su     Palau           T8WH              17725
0100-0400 LA         U. S. A.        Overcomer Ministry5985wr
0100-0500 NA         Cuba            R. Havana Cuba    6000, 6165
0100-1300 Af         U. S. A.        Wld Univ Network  5935
0130-0200 NA, Tu-Th  Slovakia        R. Slovakia (G24) 9395wr
0130-0200 As         Myanmar         Thazin R.         6030
0140-0159 As         Vatican City    Vatican R.        7410uz, 9560
0200-0215 NA, M      U. S. A.        Eternal Good News 7385wh
0200-0230 NA         Thailand        R. Thailand       13745
0200-0300 As         United Kingdom  BBC               12095om, 15310th
0200-0300 As         China           China R. Int'l    9610, 11770
0200-0300 LA         South Korea     KBS World R.      9580
0200-0300 As         South Korea     KBS World R.      9690
0200-0300 As, Oc     Australia       R. Australia      9660, 12080, 15150,
                                                       15240, 15415, 17750,
                                                       17795, 17840
0200-0300 NA,Tu-Sa   Argentina       RAE               11710

The website for these listings and much more:

I recommend you copy and paste the lists you want into a Word Document and save it on your computer and on a flash drive. Each list is large at 17 pages.

Make it a point to search for 6 or 10 stations you like and your radio and antenna receive best today. Keep a record of them rather than searching for one after a communications blackout.

For me it's a great help to have a digital 24 hour clock dedicated to showing UTC Time. It's helpful because when I'm searching for stations like at 10:pm my time I can search for stations that are on the air converted UTC time. Now I can search for stations matching the time I'm listening. Saves a lot of time.

Here's where I purchased my clock:


  1. Thanks for sharing this information. We have two shortwave radios - one battery (Realistic from Radio Shack) and one hand crank (Freeplay original Baygen) - that we should be enjoying more often. With winter pounding on the door here, exploring the airwaves sounds like an enjoyable and educational use of time.

  2. Shortwave radios should have the ability to receive Single Side Band (SSB). This function will allow you to listen to ham radio operators.

    1. Better still, become a ham radio operator yourself. It is VERY easy to become a Technician class ham and there are VERY inexpensive handheld transceivers (e.g., the Baofeng line of radios). No Morse code is required. Start here:

  3. My thoughts about shortwave are for a prepper and is paramount in bad times for you to have a window to the world happenings especially during a communication blackout.

    A Tech license is a good idea and as said above, is very limited to the bands it covers. Also it is required to operate 2 meter and some of the channels on the handheld GMRS/FRS radios.

    Also shortwave is a great hobby so obtaining the required licenses would make it more enjoyable.

    As far as broadcasting on HF frequencies without a license I would do it if I was in a desperate situation. Then I wouldn't care what the FCC Reg's are. Everyday I comply with to many government communist rules and mandates and if there is a communication blackout THEY caused it and THEY can kiss my....

    1. Yea what are they going to do ...send yo to viet nam?

  4. Mike,
    Thank you for this information. With the Moore, May 2014 tornadoes we lost total communication. We decided this wouldn't happen again and bought radios, and have our licenses.

    1. You're welcome Sandy. This is the most useful list I have ever come across and it is constantly being updated by the site owner. I especially like the list using the broadcast times and the 24 hour clock. I now don't have to waste time trying to listen to a station that is simply not broadcasting when I'm searching. I also have printed out that list (17 pages) to use as a hard copy reference especially if the internet is shut down I have a hard copy.
