Sunday, May 7, 2017

France Election

Looks like France just shot itself in the foot electing another Obama clone, just like Canada did. Hope it works well for them but looking at recent history of countries following this kind of leadership such as Greece, Italy, and Germany, it’s not going well for them as it’s soon going to be time to pay the bills!

The U.S. and the newly submitted healthcare plan is not the answer to healthcare for all. It has become the new “Third Rail” like Social Security and will cause an interesting group of new Representatives and Senators elected during their next election cycles. I don’t know what the future holds but I do know it smells bad.

We can and have prepped for all the possible disasters but now we who live in the U.S. have a new disaster, one that is totally unpredictable and defies all logic. It’s called, “The Government”. I don’t know how to prep for it besides get far out of town, sleep on your money and become self-reliant.

This avoiding “The Government” will become many topics for the future.

Just my opinion.


  1. BINGO! Avoiding the government is the answer. Laying low, disconnecting from society as much as possible and becoming self reliant is my new retirement plan. So far so good.

    1. Anon,
      You are right, avoid the government in all ways possible and this includes the banksters. We are for the most part forced to comply with them and it is always in their favor.

  2. Poor France!

    Avoiding “The Government.” I agree. Running a close second is avoiding the Police -- a traffic stop can get you killed!


    1. Moe,
      I have to agree with the avoiding the police. They do have a terrible job dealing with the sub-humans all day long. You just never know if you’ll be the hair trigger that sets them off into a rage giving you the beating of your life for 5mph over the limit.

  3. At least we have a temporary respite in this country. I figure we've got at least four years before "the empire strikes back," maybe eight.

    1. Myself being retired I fear this government. I don’t have a government pension all I have is SS and savings which if I’m left alone I’ll be fine. But one of my fears is them means testing me and deciding I have too much and confiscate and redistribute anything over minimum wage!

  4. I don't think President Trump will let that happen, however much the Republicans would like to screw with social security. I like the Trumpists but I wouldn't give a tinkers damn for the Republicans or the Democrats, they are part and parcel of the same reeking scum.

  5. Mike,

    Staying totally out of the lime light, and preparing is the motto of many. It appears France has opened Pandora's box.

  6. I cannot, for the life of me, see why the French voted in that clown instead of someone who was willing to stand up and fight the rot. I half way think it was because she was a woman, the French are still strange about that.
