Tuesday, May 29, 2018

FBI warns, Re-Boot Your Router

Link to story:


  1. Just had a new modem installed, do I still need to reboot?

    1. It would be wise to re-boot even if it has been just a few days. It only takes a minute to re-boot to be safe.

    2. We are talking about a router and not a modem right?

  2. My internet is so unreliable (Suddenlink) that it kicks off line for several hours at least once a week. I guess there is a hidden benefit to lousy internet service! BTW: Your weather is still looking OK. Be Safe.

    1. RP,
      You would think by now they’d have the internet bullet proof as far as reliability. We consumers need 20 or 30 providers including 20 or 30 cell phone providers, so there’s competition out there. I pay $69 a month for a relatively slow 17mbs DSL line (that goes as slow as 9mbs if many people are on it), that’s crazy expensive for what I get. My only option is to go with cable but there are few people happy with it around here.

      The storm was weak here, the entire duration of the storm we only received 3.5 inches which is no big deal here, didn’t even have a thunderstorm.
