Saturday, March 21, 2020

Today’s Food Shopping

Today, Saturday is a normal food shopping day for us. A few items at Walmart and the rest at our normal Super Market. There were slightly more shoppers than normal but not bad. Both stores had everything we needed and yes, even toilet paper was in stock!


  1. Ha! That's good news. I went on Friday. The little discount grocery I shop at was well stocked; Aldi's shelves were about 30% empty, and Walmart's were at least 50% bare. Still no toilet paper. There was a different ambiance from the week before. The week before the atmosphere felt tense, with long lines of shopping carts filled with nothing but toilet paper. Yesterday felt more calm, like folks were doing their stock up shopping for several weeks of staying at home. Even so, workers were bringing in pallets of items to restock shelves. Still no TP or hand sanitizer, but there was soap, which is my preference anyway.

  2. Wow! Things seem normal shopping wise where you are. That good. Here it is hit and miss though new policies are being put into place by grocers and pharmacies to limit quantities people can buy. They are also reducing store hours so they can restock goods for the next day as many things are bought out even with restrictions. At least for now. I found people were not practising social distancing and a few were not happy with me for insisting on it in the line up to pay.

    1. Joyful, Our stores also close for 2 hours for restocking and then open at 7:00am and they also limit 1 only on the most demanded items. This is working well and everybody can shop like they normally would.
