Friday, November 15, 2019

Tacoma; Gun and Ammunition TAX

For years I have been waiting for the Federal Government to not confiscate our guns, but levy a huge tax on ALL guns. Why a tax? Because confiscation of guns is a third rail for any politician to propose.

The easy way out for politicians is to tax the ownership of a gun, similar to Tacoma in the story below.

However, I do expect the Federal Government to go much further than Tacoma and levy an “ANNUAL Gun Ownership Tax” on every registered gun we own! The anti-gun, sub-humans would love it because they would see it as a financial punishment to gun owners including a forced gun registration law. In the end, it would make confiscation easy because they would know where all the registered guns are! Is the tax collectible? What if this Annual Gun Tax happens and we don’t pay? You can count on the IRS to be the collector of the tax and has the power to seize everything you own if you don’t pay!

Here’s what I envision for a Federal tax amount:
The evil AR15 and AK47 would be taxed at $100.00 each every year, handguns at $50.00 each every year and hunting guns at $25.00 each every year! A tax like this would bring in a substantial amount of money each year and where much of it, after all the under the table deal-making will end up in the politicians' personal money laundering foundations. It’s scary to think what’s inevitably about to come down on us.

The tax would be an easy sell for all the politicians as they would justify it like the tobacco tax, saying the money brought in “would be used to fund mental health programs” for the shooters and potential shooters!

First  Part of the Tacoma story:
“TACOMA -- After three hours of intense and heated testimony from 112 people on both sides of the divisive issue, the Tacoma City Council passed a controversial plan to tax guns and ammunition.

Council leaders passed the gun and ammo tax with the caveat that it won't go into effect until July 2020.

The tax adds $25 to each gun sold, plus an extra two to five cents for each bullet, depending on size.”

Link to the rest of the story:


  1. This will be challenged in court and struck down.

    1. Yes, this will be challenged, but the Left is incredibly powerful and they never give-up! So it will be in count many times until they get their way. Taxing is an easy way to their ultimate goal of gun confiscation. Look how the tobacco tax went or ObamaCare. The high tax was to force smokers to stop, yes some did but many have not because of how difficult it is for some to quit. That tobacco tax was to help people quit but all you see are a few TV ads telling you to quit and an 800 number, no clinical help at all. Where has all that tax revenue gone? Everywhere but where it should be.
