Thursday, March 5, 2020

WalMart Today

I stopped there today to pick-up some Grits because I was out and the Super-Cuts where I get my hair cut is barely a hundred yards apart so I also got a hair cut. I also wanted to see WalMart’s stocking levels and if there was a run on food and paper products the news media was claiming. There wasn’t, all the shelves were full except for disinfectant cleaning products. Their shelf space is about 6 feet wide by 7 feet tall and was completely empty! Other than that all was normal including toilet paper!


  1. We are shopping on Saturday. I may post my findings. I wonder if some shortage are due to items being redirected to other locations.

    1. It would be interesting to hear what you find. The news media will run with a story on one store who had a run on 'toilet paper'but fail to look at hundreds of others who are fine with their stocking levels.

  2. Let's just say that way too many people are watching the news... even in Idaho. But I'm pretty sure that a lot of stuff will show up on craigslist in a few months once the hype settles down.

  3. I hit Wally World a couple of days ago. The only things I could see that were short were the hand sanitizer and cold remedies. I bought the last three 32oz bottles of sanitizer, and three more 16oz bottles.
    Not out of panic, but because I'm a voice and data tech where I work, and handle everyone's phones and computer keyboards daily. I use the sanitzer all the time. The cold remedies were gone because the flu is RAVAGING the Left Coast, and has been since early December.

    ...Funny how people finally listen to the likes of us when the S really does HTF...

  4. Yesterday, I went on my usual weekly shopping trip. At Walmart, almost all the disinfectant wipes were sold out, but disinfectant liquids were still plentiful. Other than that, the only completely empty shelves were the $5 movies and the frozen french fries.
